The Business Natal Chart is an astrological tool used to analyze the performance and potential of a company, based on the exact date and time of its founding. Similar to an individual’s natal chart, the business natal chart represents a kind of celestial “map” that shows the positions of the planets at the time of the company’s birth, revealing significant influences on its destiny.

Through the analysis of astrological houses, planets, and aspects present in the business natal chart, valuable insights can be gained regarding various areas: from finances to economic growth, from relationships with business partners to corporate reputation. Each business sector is influenced by a specific astrological domain, and this tool helps identify the strengths and challenges the company will face.

The Business Natal Chart is not only a way to explore the past and present of the company but can also serve as a guide for future decisions. By understanding the astrological dynamics, an entrepreneur can optimize business strategies, choose auspicious moments for important decisions, or identify areas for improvement.