Portal to the Past
The astrogenealogy report is a comparative analysis between your natal chart and that of the ancestor you wish to explore. Discover which destiny is reflected in your path.
The astrogenealogy report may be the answer you’ve been seeking for a long time. Your ancestor’s natal chart could be the key to understanding the challenges you face, the behaviors that repeat, and the bonds you struggle to break.
Do you want to know how your ancestors influence you?
The personalized astrogenealogy report will provide you with clear and quick answers to understand your family loyalties.
The portal to the past
Quick and personalized: CUSTOM WRITTEN REPORT
Price €140.00
My service for you: A personalized and thorough analysis of the natal charts of your choice, calculated with precision. You will receive the text file via email within the agreed timeframe.
How can I identify which ancestor I am loyal to according to Astrogenealogy?
In Astrogenealogy, loyalty to an ancestor often manifests through repeated patterns, emotions, events, or family roles. Here are two of the many ways to identify the ancestor to whom you might be loyal:
- Birth Chart Analysis: Study your birth chart in relation to the planets that represent ancestral figures (the Moon for the mother, Saturn for the father, Pluto for deep family roots). Specific positions or tense aspects between planets may indicate a karmic connection or loyalty to an ancestor.
- Recognizing Family Patterns: If you notice recurring situations in your life that were also experienced by an ancestor (e.g., illnesses, relationship issues, financial difficulties), this could be a sign of unconscious loyalty to them.
What can I discover with the astrogenealogy report?
You can discover similarities in challenges, behaviors, and patterns that repeat within your family lineage.